Poetic Insanity, LLC
category spoken word
location Atlanta

J. Katrice is a mother, traveling poet and motivational spoken-word artist, and your healing partner. She was born and raised in Atlanta, GA.

After graduating from college she became an active part of the Atlanta spoken word community. Her poetry can be heard on 2 hip hop albums, “Grand Jury” and “InCaseUMissedIt” available on all streaming networks.

In 2016 she published a book entitled Poetic Insanity Vol. I: "Sometimes Words Drive You Crazy", introducing her vulnerability and healing journey through poetry and prayers, available on Amazon and barnesandnoble.com. She is currently working on Poetic Insanity Vol II: "Release The Fear" where she continues her journey to healing outloud after experiencing some of life's toughest battles.

Her goal is to promote mental well-being, emotional maturity and healing within minority communities by expressing vulnerabilities lovingly, and out loud!! She wants her audience and supporters to know that it's okay to "Hurt, Holla and Heal"

Currently she hosts "Humpday Healing: Open Mic and Chit Chat" an open mic conversation live on Instagram, promoting healing in our communities.