Marcos de la Fuente
category spoken word
location New York

Marcos de la Fuente.

He was born in Vigo (Spain) Poet, performer and cultural activist.


His writing is influenced by Cortázar, León Felipe, Ginsberg and Kavafis.

He has published three poetry books: “Las Partículas Brillantes”, “La Nueva Sensibilidad” and the anthology “Poetryfighters”. And one music album “Isla Futura”

He is the director of the Kerouac Festival, in Vigo since 2010, in New York since 2016 and Mexico City since 2019.

He is host and curator at the Bowery Poetry Club, New York, from 2019, with the multilingual Open mic series Se Buscan Poetas.

He has published his poems in Galician language on silk scarves, in a collaboration with the textile artist María Romero for La Tintorería Closet.

He also mixes poetry and artificial intelligence with the collective POETRY+AI=ART, for create the collection of poems “Metareality” and the 3.0 poetry live show “El Poeta vs La Máquina”.

He also works with musicians to take the poetry to the stage, with his band Pólvora and with the experimental project The Empathy Muscle.

He also collaborates with the collective TheVERSEverse to bring poetry to the Metaverse and AR.

