Mary Mance
category spoken word
location Philadelphia

Mary Mance is a professional, traveling Spoken Word Artist and Host based in the city of Philadelphia. Her life's journey began in her hometown of Gaithersburg, Maryland. She found solace in her pen during her middle school days and turned to writing as a vehicle of expression. That was the first spark that led to where she is now; a rising star of the poetry community. Mary has dedicated the last 5 years to using her authentic voice and sharing her life experiences on stages so that listeners know they are not alone in the full spectrum of life. Her poetry is a mixture of raw truths and nurturing advice. She tells it like it is yet it's coming from the depths of her heart. Mary has a unique ability to sprinkle humor onto topics that are hard to talk about and make it sound like a message you needed to hear. Preach!

Mary's open mic debut was in 2018 on the legendary Busboys and Poets stage. Since then, Mary has headlined for their platform, as well as, Voices in Power, Poetry Me Please, and The Rose Garden Events to name a few. She was honored with the opportunity to perform for Penn State's Student Diversity Equity and Inclusion organization, has opened for Maui the Writer, and was featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer for National Poetry Month. Her latest work is being featured on a project titled “Trapped in the Dayz Vol 2"; dropping in March '23. This is her first time being featured on a track and certainly not her last..