Steph Zion Poetry
category spoken word
location Maryland

Stephanie Zion is a Nigerian-American spoken word artist. She is a woman of faith, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and author of, "Reflections of a Hopeful Romantic” and “Reflections of a Woman of Faith.”

She developed a transformative course called, "Impact Greatness Through Poetry” now available on Udemy. She also leads a women’s poetry group called, “Healing Words.” 

Stephanie started her poetic journey at just 13 years old and enjoys sharing stories that touch through poetry, her love language.

Writing is not only a passion for her but also serves as a therapeutic outlet for herself and her audience. She is passionate about helping others to release, heal, and grow through the power of poetry.

Stephanie's words have the power to inspire, heal, and ignite the fire within. 

Fueled by an unwavering passion to impact greatness, she fearlessly grace stages to utilize poetry as her ministry. 

She continues to use her gift to leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who encounter her poetry.

Stephanie has a unique perspective as a mental health provider, stemming from her own journey to becoming whole and healed. 

Stephanie’s mission is to inspire others to find their light, shine their light and protect their light. 

Stephanie’s goal is to help individuals to heal and re-discover themselves in order to show up fully, authentically, and to walk in purpose with joy.